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Pacific Coast Rover Club
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About the Pacific Coast Rover Club

  • The Pacific Coast Rover Club has been continually active since 1988.
  • Club members generally reside in Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Western Idaho, or southern British Columbia.

Board of Directors

Club Officers

  • Bruce Franklin - President
  • Bryce Oliver - Vice President
  • Rebecca Oliver - Secretary
  • Nick Eckert & Ryan Phelps - Treasurer
  • Karen Gillette - Membership

Regional Coordinators

  • Rebecca Oliver - Portland Area
  • Bill Neal - Seattle Area
  • Position Open - Central Oregon

All British Field Meet Coordinators

  • Bruce Franklin - Portland ABFM
  • Chauncey Curl - Portland ABFM

Newsletter Chief Editor

  • Position Open

Technology Committee

  • Jeff Carpenter - Webmaster
  • Sandro Menzel - E-mail list Management
  • Bryce Oliver - Facebook
  • Matt Coats - Facebook and Instagram
  • Brian Patrick - Facebook and Instagram
  • Nick Eckert - Website Design/Function
  • Karen Gillette - Website Member Management

Our objectives:
  • To promote the Land Rover / Rover tradition.
  • To provide member families with safe enjoyable outdoor experiences.
  • To provide an email list for member communication, technical assistance and a little fun through our newsletter.

Our conduct:

  • Is expected to reflect a mature, responsible attitude at all times and especially dealing with the use of vehicles, firearms, and alcohol.
  • Is expected to be observant of all laws regarding littering and misuse of natural resources. Leave it cleaner than you found it.

Each participant in ANY Club driving event must sign a Release, and if the participant is under age 18, the Release must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.

Click Here to join our club.

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